Reversion Stopper


Reversion stopper kit with two panels & binder clips.  Another way to cold press faster.




Our Reversion Stopper is  2 each of – 7 1/8″ x 10.5″ inch acrylic cold press panels in various thicknesses

We recommend using your reversion stopper cold pressing for about 12-24 hours after a hot press to reduce reversion on spine tics and general book waviness. Generally better than cold pressing for spine tics because the pressure can be directed directly above the tics.  This method also allows the books to be moved while pressing for shops with a busy workflow and pressing area.

Thicknesses and binder clips:

  1. Premium  (1/8″)  (less pressure)
  2. Elite (3/16″ or 1/4″ ) (more pressure) – rear panel may be a slightly thinner 3/16″ depending on material availability. typically both are ¼”.  Pressing instructions and duration do not change within this limited  thickness variation.

Background colors are offered for the rear panel to reduce cost and provide some contrast to make the book alignment easier to see.  The color choice is purely aesthetic.  Exact color and thicknesses depend on availability.


Rear Colors:

  1. Clear
  2. Random. Depending on material availability.  most likely to be white, black, smoke, or frost in color.





Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Premium (1/8"), Elite (3/16"-¼")

Rear Plate Color

Clear, Random

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